Short Term Resident and Employment Visa

Nigeria Short Term Resident/Employment (Subject to Regularization)Visa –  Chinese Nationality:

  • A) Applicant’s Passport: original, undamaged, and valid for at least another 6 months beyond intended stay.
    • Foreign nationals residing in the USA also need to show Permanent Resident Card (the Green Card)
  • B) 4 Visa Application Form: Visa Application completed online, typed and signed. If any spaces are not used they must be filled with N/A. The consulate will reject applications that are not fully completed.
    • You must print out the “Visa Payment” slip and the “Visa Acknowledgement” slip from the Nigeria Immigration Service site
    • Print the payment confirmation page and submit that with your application and supporting documents.
    • You must also pay the consulate fee by Google Checkout or Yahoo through Global LLC online as prompted and print out a copy of the receipt and a copy of the email invoice showing payment.

Fill Out Application Here

  • C) 4 Supplemental Application Form: This is required in addition to the online application
    • Must be completed, printed, and signed

Fill Out Supplemental Application Here

  • D) Photograph: 4 Passport-type photographs required. (No glasses, with the applicants face in plain view and ears must be showing). The applicant must also be wearing a button-up shirt with a tie. The consulate will only accept actual 2×2 passport type photographs from a reputable source, i.e. Kinko’s, Walgreens, CVS, etc. Photos printed at home or from an office printer will not be accepted under any circumstances. Photos that are sent in invalid format will be rejected and will cause a delay in submission at the traveler’s expense.


  • E) Offer Letter: 4 Copies of the Offer letter from the sponsoring company in Nigeria which must meet the following criteria:
    • Printed on company letterhead
    • Addressed to “The Consulate of Nigeria, Visa Section”
    • Signed by a senior manager
    • Briefly introduce the applicant including employment status and position held in the company by the applicant
    • State the nature of business to be conducted
    • Names of companies to be contacted in Nigeria
    • Specify the type and validity of the visa requested
  • F) Employment Acceptance Letter: 4 Copies of the Acceptance letter drafted by prospective employee(see template)

Template for Employment Acceptance Letter

  • G) Qualifications:  4 Copies of prospective employees
    • Resume or CV
    • Degrees and Certificates earned
  • H) Immigration Approval: 4 copies of the Nigerian Immigration approval quota
  • I) Incorporation Documentation: 4 copies of the following will need to be provided by the Nigerian Host company
    • Certificate of Incorporation
    • Company memorandum and article of association
    • Corporate affairs particulars or directors and their share holdings thereof: (CAC FORMS 2 & 7)
    • Business permit issued by the Ministry of Interior (For companies that have foreign share holders)
  • J) Monthly Quota Utilization: Copy of current monthly quota utilization returns as endorsed by the Immigration Service.
  • K) Important Information:
    • These documents should be arranged into 4 sets. Each set must include the above mentioned documents.
    • The Consulate of Nigeria is closed every Friday.
    • The Consulate of Nigeria charges and additional $223.00 for regular processing and $288.00 for expedited service. This is in addition to the online consulate fee.

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